Preview is still quite slow, even on my SMP Win2K box.

Interestingly, there are some speed issues that don't seem to be related to processor power or VB, rather they are related to video drivers or OS. The preview is reasonably fast on my Celeron at home, and only slightly slower on my NT box at work which is half the speed. You'd think it would be half as fast but it's not. Jut for the heck of it, if you're running in 24 or 32-bit color, try dropping it to 16-bit color and see if the preview is faster that way.

I have, in the past, written C DLL's to handle images that get displayed on VB3 forms. If this program ends up being used more widely, I might consider porting it to 32-bit (for long file names) and shuffling the time-critical stuff off to a DLL. We'll see how the painting tools go, and if they're too slow in VB I might have no choice.

Swapping the images should be fairly simple, I'll work on the painting tools first though.

Exporting to BIN is an interesting idea, but then I'd need to allow different image sizes as well (since you seem to be looking for a universal editor). I'm not sure that's what this program was designed for, but we'll see how it goes.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris