
The idea of "make sure the windows fall within the screen area" had occurred to me, but I didn't think it was a big deal because most folks run their desktops at the same rez all the time. I hadn't counted on the dock-undock thing. I'll put that on my to-do list. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Note: Another work around (without editing the INI file) is to select the window that's offscreen (click on its icon in the task bar), press ALT+Spacebar to open its control menu, press M for move, then use the arrow keys to drag it back onscreen.

This was related to a fun practical joke I used to pull on co-workers back in the 3.1 days. You could drag File Manager and Program Manager, or just about any other program off the screen and have them save their window positions. Then the user would return to their computer and try to run them, and Windows would run them, but they never appeared on the screen. And since 3.1 didn't have a task bar, there was no obvious way of knowing that the program was really running. So they would spend all this time trying to figure out why their software was crashing without an error message. Rebooting didn't fix it becuase the window positions were saved. They'd reboot and fiddle around for hours without knowing what was wrong. Great fun.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris