The Kenwood remote isn't bad. There's just the fact that some of the buttons are labeled for things that the Empeg doesn't have, and the users have to get used to the mismatched names. Although I really like the fact that if I ever lose my remote, the replacement is both inexpensive and easy to find.

Here's a thought, Rob...

Have you guys considered making your own remotes? Seems to me that it'd be like a walk in the park compared to the engineering of the Empeg itself. Obviously, it isn't something you'd want to get into right away, but if the sales volume of the Mark 2's really takes off, then you'd have some extra R&D money to burn...

Hell, you could just reverse-engineer the Kenwood remote and make the same thing with different button labels. :-)

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris