Couldnt you just use the kenwood remote and overlay new labels?

That was the first thing I thought of as I was writing that post. I looked at the remote. The way the top of it is made, with the names directly on the membrane buttons, it probably wouldn't work well with an overlay that covered the buttons.

But now that I look at it again...

A vinyl label that had "holes" punched out for the button faces, with the Empeg commands noted under each button (leaving the button centers exposed), would work. You could do that kind of thing pretty cheaply, too, if you find the right printer to do the work for you. There are machines that are designed to do short-run vinyl printing, some of them even come with plotter-style cutter blades. They're used mostly in sign-making shops, where they cut the lettering out of vinyl. Interesting... Hmm...

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris