... totalling up over $400 in unnecessary charges from the past 6 months that they snuck on my bills while I was trying to modify my setup.

I saw a US news article that said that a lot of people are finding this. Basically it's in the best interest of the phone company because of the large number of people who don't query the charges and just pay - businesses, people too scared of the interminable complaints system or people who just don't have time. I think this is one of the biggest rip-off scams I've heard, because it's based on the idea that to get your refund or whatever is made as difficult as possible without actually contravening any laws.

Mind you, telecom companies rival music publishing companies for old-school screw-the-customers-for-every-penny-they-have attitude. What they charge for a voice connection that uses 2KB or so at peak is simply unbelievable when you compare it to what you pay for data - even 9600 baud - over the same lines.

Must resist urge to kill!

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550