
Hehe... Thanks for the reminder - some (flatwater) kayaking might be good training/exercise for the arm come spring (not that an attractive form right now with hard gusty winds, around 35F and rain[ie typical winter weather in Gothenburg])

OK, after/before next Amersfoort you have to drop in - we can go night kayaking through the Amsterdam Red Light District... Or stop by the pizza takeaway that has a service counter down by the canal side for boats as well...

Sounds fun - cool with the canal-service pizza joint The "other" services might get too close to american (sorry guys - I do know that there exists good microbreweries in the land of the [insert modifier of choice] free) beer ... What type of canoe are you using on the canals?- hopefully I'll be checked out for canoeing by then! Do you have a spare or should I arrange a roof rack for the Pug - and drive somewhat slower than last year