Frankly, I'll be really interested in how Joss makes this into a movie, given the nature of the series

I'm a bit concerned about that... after watching the trailer, it seems to me that the movie has turned into a "rockets and ray guns" mainstream sci-fi flick, with spaceship laser battles and wars against the forces of evil.

What's with Summer Glau ("River") and the kick boxing?

I wonder if Joss Whedon had to give up a great deal of his creative control in order to obtain financing for the movie?

The TV series was not about the sci-fi aspect of the show; it was about the people in the show, and if the trailer is true to the movie, it looks like Serenity has sold out to action, glitz, and glamor.

And then, there's always the question of how can Whedon do as much character development in the 105 minutes (or whatever) of the movie as he did in the 17 episodes that were made for TV? Can we realistically expect the movie to be that much better than the series?

Frankly, I don't see how it can even be as good. The movie has a pretty big standard to try and live up to. IMHO, Firefly was the second-best show in the history of Network Television.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"