What's with Summer Glau ("River") and the kick boxing?

It's been referred to as ballet-fu. I think it fits the character. She's more in control of her "abilities" by the time the movie picks up.

The TV series was not about the sci-fi aspect of the show; it was about the people in the show, and if the trailer is true to the movie, it looks like Serenity has sold out to action, glitz, and glamor.

It still is about the characters. The trailer was cut in a way to show more action and pull in more non-Browncoats. We Browncoats already know that it's going to be more about the people, and less about action. Now, there probably is more action than would be in one of the average episodes to appeal to a broader audience, but Joss had full control of the movie, so it's still Whedonesque.

From the reviews I've read so far, it seems to be well received by both Browncoats and non-Browncoats alike. I think it'll do well.

Sixteen days and I'll know for sure.

BTW, there are three comic books coming out to fill in the gap between the series and this first movie. Three covers of each, so each of the nine main characters will be on a cover of their own. Mine are ordered.