lest we think that Scientologeny is the only go-to for famous folk's religionism.

It's not so much that these people are following Scientology, but the fact that they are promoting Scientology to the masses, who are then just that much more likely to fall into their bilking schemes. People are free to believe whatever hogwash they want (and while I consider pretty much all deist religions hogwash, Scientology is in a whole different league), but when that "religion" not only charges to attend, but restricts information about the basic tenets of the religion (whether that's so that people can't just do it on their own or so that newbies don't immediately see how insane it is), that "religion" becomes highly suspect at best. Add on to that the damage they seem to cause to individuals (see Lisa McPherson, Jeremy Perkins, Albert Jaquier, or so many others, not to mention the people who were "only" bilked out of their life savings) and I cannot just let it be.
Bitt Faulk