Or, perhaps more accurately, inside your puff piece.

I think that's the heart of the problem. (Well, outside the fact that this tripe should exist outside the pages of People and Us.) There needs to be a stronger delineation between story content and ad content. It's usually obvious in print media, but when it becomes less obvious, they tend to point it out, doing something like printing "ADVERTISING SECTION" over the top. But in this case, the ads look exactly like their (semi-)legitimate sidebar survey right below it, and there's no indication that it's advertising content other than the "What's This" link. At least, that link should be changed to read "Advertisements".

Edit: Oh, wait. It does say it there, but my AdBlock was killing the image(?!) that said "Advertiser Links".

Edited by wfaulk (14/06/2005 13:01)
Bitt Faulk