Well, the fact of the matter is that the CoS has probably pumped way more money into buying up those keywords than anyone else can do.

And if they have anything remotely approaching genius, their focus on owning the information territory of Scientology is it.

Are you suggesting that Yahoo should not accept that money? On what grounds? Would that mean that IBM wouldn't be allowed to buy IBM keywords? I mean, I'm not a big fan of the CoS or corporate personhood, but I don't think I want to see that sort of censorship, either.

I'm not positively sure what I am suggesting. Other than getting swept away by the occasional (very nice!) wedding photo, I think I have maybe recently arrived at the conclusion that *everything* is borken, but have no suggestions on repair manual.

And they are ads after all. I suppose it would be nice if CNN pointed that out a little better, especially since it looks kinda like it could be a sidebar.

This is in the realm of what concerns me. Any newspaper, say the Boston Globe, could suffer a lapse in judgement and publish an uncritical puff piece on Katie+CoS -- no examination of CoS background included. But could CoS then call the Globe and say "Hey, we want to run 5 ads next to your puff piece!"?

edit: or automatically cause 5 ads to be placed next to the puff piece?

Edited by jimhogan (14/06/2005 12:54)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.