My current one is a picture of me under an overhang 22 metres up at my local climbing centre, taken by the guy belaying for me...hmmm, wonder if that was a good idea

About as good idea as when I used to go climbing with Andrea my housemate at Uni. She was about 7 stone, I was about 13.5 stone. When I fell off if we were climbing at the local wall (and therefore not bothering to secure the belayer) we tended to meet each other half way...

I don't climb anymore, despite losing weight recently I'm still over 16 stone, which isn't exactly an asset when it comes to climbing. I even through my boot and harness away the other month, neither of which were ever going to fit me again.

And to get back onto topic, thankfully neither I or any of my friends had a camera at Uni. The world does not need pictures of me in climbing harness and pink boots !

Edited by andy (07/08/2005 07:32)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday