Many of the visual effects in Ultraviolet were meant to be stylistic, which a lot of people simply shrugged off as "primitive" or "fake."

Are you certain about this? They seemed to be trying awful hard to me. And my words about them would be a lot harsher. Perhaps "the worst effects I've seen at the movies in ten years." There were a couple good sfx, and those would seem to throw off the idea that it was all stylistic. And good lord did you see the "fire" on that warehouse in the very end of the movie? It looked like that single fire effect they use on Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I'm actually sad that I can't remember the lines of dialog that my friend and I were quoting afterward for a week. There were a couple of absolutely horrible lines that had us rolling.

So yeah, I can't say the movie was a complete waste. It was an excellent comedy that had us cracking up from start to finish. Too bad it was such a god awful movie.

Out of curiousity, Bruno, how would you rank Ultraviolet with the first two XMen movies?