they can't do the Joker thing, 'cause he's already dead in the movies
I was under the impression that if they kept going with new Batman movies, they'd essentially be re-writing a new storyline rather than trying to tie in with the previous four movies (meaning they could do a different Joker storyline where he doesn't die). Is that incorrect?

And as much as I hated the Shumacher Batman movies, I'm not really sure it was his fault as much as it was the failure of trying to put out a Tim Burton style movie with someone other than Tim Burton directing. I don't think any director could have done those movies well and still kept consistent with the style that Burton initiated. Christopher Nolan did a good job making a Christopher Nolan style movie instead of trying to imitate Burton.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.