Pretty much anything he is in turns to crap, at least in my opinion. He overacts so badly that it is painful to watch a lot of the time.

There are a lot of people who really dislike his acting, I've found. I never really understood it. Yeah, he has his mannerisms that could be taken as overacting, but he's turned out a lot of good films/performances. I certainly enjoyed these:

Raising Arizona
Lord of War
Bringing Out the Dead
Leaving Las Vegas
and I kind of liked Snake Eyes

(and for the popcorn movies)
Con Air (you can't possibly point out bad/over acting in this ridiculous movie)
The Rock
It Could Happen to You

IMO, that's a pretty good resume. At the very least, I wouldn't say any of these movies "turn[ed] to crap."

*well, I certainly didn't like 8MM, but I thought he was pretty good