And what are the people of the USA doing about it?

Honestly, what CAN we do about it?? I can think of only one thing: violently revolt. There is absolutely no other way to stop a rampant government than to forcefully remove it from power. Oh wait, they've got the military. Scratch that idea.

Again I say, democracy is a joke. Pushing one button every four years is not "rule by the people". Citizens should have the right to approve or deny these individual Acts of dictatorship by vote, not by electing a "representative" who does whatever is best for their ego, their wallet, and their Napoleon Complex.

I'm fully convinced that "terrorism" (in America) is a government tool to give themselves more power (and little moustaches) and manipulate the citizens with fear. The day I'm forced to do anything I strongly disagree with in the name of "anti-terrorism" is the day I strongly reconsider my American citizenship (no, I don't mind airport security, but they'll keep increasing the restrictions gradually). American "terrorism" was accurately predicted in '1984'; the bombs which were occasionally dropped on residential areas, fired by "the enemy", furthering the need to "fight the enemy".

The citizens of America have one saving grace when pondering how to stop paying taxes to support a dictatorship and take back their country: There are more of us then there are of them. So, organize and "do the right thing". Nah, it's easier to go to work then come home and watch TV. Blinded by The American Way.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set