
Oh, I don't know. I think this is *great*. In what other country can you freely ask "Just how much torture is torture?" I mean, In Kazhakstan, if you asked "Hey, can I take this guy and pretend to drown him?", they would probably take you out back and stab you to death. Likewise, in Syria, if you said "Hey, is it OK if I I slowly remove this guy's fingers with a blue-rubber-handled, stainless steel Channel-Lock nibbler?" I expect that the secret police would take you out back and put one in the base of your neck.

So, I think it is great. Here in America, we are free to ask the big questions: "Just how much torture is torture?" We have elevated ourselves above all of those nasty, backwards countries with lots of hard-to-understand dark people. Enlightened denizens of the BBS like Redrum have already perceived this.

I mean, in what other country could you spend your time carefully contemplating just how much you can torture somebody...before it is torture?

God Bless the USA!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.