Originally Posted By: tonyc
Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Probably the best way to know which one is to see if there's a patina on the inside of the pipe or not.

There is, on the leaky sections that have been replaced, at least.

That almost certainly means that it's not an electrolytic reaction, then. If it was eating the copper away, there would be fresh copper left behind. With the patina there, it ought to be relatively protected from that sort of corrosion.

I'd be inclined to agree with Mark now, even if I do find it odd that interior pipes would freeze. Of course, I'm not familiar with how common that sort of thing might be in areas with colder winters that we get down here.

Originally Posted By: tonyc
With copper prices at an all-time high, I think PEX may be the way to go, concerns about resale value be damned.

If memory serves, it's been used in Europe for ages, so I doubt that there's going to be any newly discovered concern about health problems.
Bitt Faulk