(Hmm.. My first attempt at this post seems to have gone to the great bit bucket in the sky.)

OK, I'll be the doom-and-gloom guy. If you miss a connection and it blows during the night or while you're away, will your home owner's insurance cover the damages for DIY work? If not, a bonded pro might be worth it.

I ask from experience: At work, the coffee machine's water line blew a few days after installation, spewing water all night long. It was a pencil-sized tube. The water saturated carpet over 100 feet in both directions, hitting several offices and a bunch of cubes. We lost several computers that were on the floor, had to retile the kitchen and server room (everything in the server room was up at least 6 inches, so no real problem there), and do some sheetrock work. Not to mention the roar of 20 fans and the dehumidifiers for the better part of a week.
