Thanks Bitt, that's exactly what I was hoping. So if these access points will be in a relatively straight line, I could just go from channel 1 to 6 to 11 and then start over again if I needed a fourth one?

Trevor: yeah, I quickly ruled out WDS for that reason. Tethering the APs won't be too much of a problem. And those range extenders are pure evil. I've tried installing them for a few people, and fortunately I've finally found the exact settings they want in order to work, but I still abhor them.

I'll take another look at Mambo. I tried Joomla once and it was simply too much. Far more powerful than necessary, and the menu system was labyrinthine. I'll take another peek at Mambo, though.

Does anyone know of a CMS that doesn't worry about community? I don't need user accounts or comments or anything like that. Mainly, my issue is that I don't have enough time to devote to coding my site from scratch, and I don't have a need to build a community for this site. I just need to be able to easily add/edit content.