Originally Posted By: altman
Is it? My iPhone shows the last character typed (as opposed to a blob) so you can easily check what you're typing into a password field. The character only gets hidden when you type the next character.

Not releasing your finger from the keyboard allows you to check the key you're going to enter too, as you can see the popup. Only let go when the right character is showing.

Even with both of those features, it's still incredibly hard to correctly type a long secure WPA key made up of hexadecimal numbers. More than about 6-8 characters and it gets nearly impossible. When they key gets really long, without the ability to look back and check what you typed already, you make a lot of mistakes. There's also the issue of the caps lock that doesn't "stick" when you go back and forth from the numeric pad. If your WPA key is all capital letters plus numbers (as it would be with a hexadecimal WPA key), then you end up leaving in the occasional lower case letter and the key doesn't work.
Tony Fabris