Ok, I'm officially opposed to the glossy screen. See the attached self portait taken on the train. It also is evidence of having to use Windows to get decent tethered internet when I forget my bluetooth dongle.

The apple store experience was fine. They did "try and fix it in the back" which I suspect meant they pushed pretty hard while I couldn't watch, then came out and told me they'd swap it out. That fixed the problem with the plastics, but the new one also the problem with the same screw simply not being screwed in all the way. The genius told me it was probably just a problem with the design, which I found amazing. A few seconds work with the screwdriver when I got home got it fixed up.

Anyways. I'd been considering buying Apple stock at its recently depressed price, but with the lack of attention to detail on this one I'm leaning against it. My powerbook just worked for three and a half years, the macbook pro, not so much.


Edited by matthew_k (23/10/2008 13:31)