I also don't have a 'quit' - menu option !?
So now, after uploading the ds2b1.mp3 via emplode, I run Empackager and this is what I see in the debug-window:


Restored terminal settings

Remounting first music partition read-only

Remounting second music partition read-only

Player exited normally: 0

Switching to shell-player loop

Starting bash.

empeg:/empeg/bin# TMOUT=0

empeg:/empeg/bin# export ARCHIVE=`ls -lrt /drive0/fids/*0 /drive1/fids/*0 2>/dev
/null|grep 544539| sed -e '$!d' -e 's/.* //'`

empeg:/empeg/bin# if [ -n "$ARCHIVE" ][ -n "$ARCHIVE" ]; then

> tar xzfO $ARCHIVE empackager/install.sh | /bin/bash

> else

> echo "package not found"

> fi

package not found

What am I missing !?! It looks like the drives are not mounted read-write - shouldn't they ?

Weird, I had no problem installing 1.1... now everything is done by the Empackager, so I have no clue what the problem is...

Dr. Pupvogel
mk2 #080000169