Originally Posted By: andym
I think it's fair to say that in the UK significantly changing a timeslot for a show (other than a one-off for a sporting event say) is pretty rare. A show has to pretty much get a confirmed zero viewers before stuff like that happens.


And here in the US, even popular shows frequently get time changes and even get moved to other days of the week! I'll never figure it out.

One particularly popular trick by the studio execs is to air a new show just after an already popular show for a season, then move it to another night of their choosing to see how it does. House, for example, aired after American Idol, and fortunately did pretty well after the move to another night (I think it's moved twice, actually - wasn't it on Tuesdays a couple seasons ago before moving to Mondays?).

But other shows just get moved for no reason. Some do okay after the move, others don't. The timeslot of death, though, is generally considered to be Friday evenings. Some shows develop there an do fine. Smallville, however, I think will not last long after this season's move to Friday.

Edited by Dignan (26/01/2010 05:03)