We're not extreme environmentalists here, but the ideas are simple.

If we see a way to reduce energy consumption without reducing "quality of life", then it's really a no-brainer: turn the danged gadget off when not in use. That type of thing.

Use electronic timers for stuff where we find it too onerous to walk back and forth to a mechanical switch (eg thermostats, wifi, the Mythtv box recording schedule, etc..).

Secondary to that, is don't throw away perfectly good stuff just because a newer generation became available. The "old" stuff is still good enough, and should be used long enough to minimize environmental impacts of disposal and manufacturing a replacement.

And when acquiring new stuff, we look to energy efficiency as a primary decision factor, doubly so for things that will be "on" much/all of the time.

There are many people (on this very BBS, even) whose monthly energy usages approach or exceed our yearly totals, despite them living in more temperate climates. Surely there's room for improvement there somewhere?

Edited by mlord (08/02/2011 16:45)