Originally Posted By: andy
$.36/kWh for the first 51 kWh each month, $.16/kWh for the rest
That is just wrong. Oh, I don't doubt your figures, but the pricing structure is designed to discourage conservation.

It should be just the reverse -- $.16 for the first kWh (but more than just 51 kWh, perhaps 100 or even 150) and then $.36/kWh up to 1,000 kWh, then an ever escalating scale for usage beyond that.

Keep costs low for people who really can't afford high electric bills, and make it very costly for the "wastrels". In Mexico the government subsidizes the first few kWh so that a poor family with not much more than a few light bulbs and maybe a small TV can afford electricity. We rich Gringos with our big computer systems and fancy entertainment systems end up paying a lot more, and I think that is as it should be.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"