Ok, so with each day that passes I get more worried about the long term future of Qt. We keep hearing the same old stuff from the suits:

"We're going to ship another 150 million symbian devices" which roughly translates to "We're going to make another 150 million dead on arrival devices"

"Meego is our future, we're shipping our first Meego device in 2011, Qt is the toolkit for Meego" Really? Meegos your future? Why the MS/Nokia alliance then?

I suspect that within a year maybe two we'll see Nokia pull it's resources from Meego.

Nokia haven't shown the desktop port of Qt any love for the past year, and I'm not being nieve, they're a mobile company so it's to be expected. I'm just struggling to see what value Qt holds for them and why on earth they'd sink large amounts of developers, time and money into something that offers them no advantage.

I keep hearing "fork! fork! fork!", but without the fine group of trolltech developers that have made Qt what it is today, it'll just be another software source respository slowly dieing.