
I tried this, the log file is not being updated. I put the strace executable in root. This is what I am doing...

After the player boots, I do the following

Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Jul 5 2004
Vcb: 0x4086d000
Dead temp.sensor, status=0x00
Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
No secondary hard disk
Player exited normally: 0
Switching to shell-player loop
Starting bash.
empeg:/empeg/bin# rwm
empeg:/empeg/bin# strace -f player &> /drive0/log
empeg:/empeg/bin# rom
empeg:/empeg/bin# exit
Shell exit
Starting player
Timezone: GB
Hijack: intercepting config.ini

player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.01 2004/07/06.
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Jul 5 2004
Vcb: 0x4086d000

After this, I loaded emplode and loaded a few smaller (5MB), which it worked, then a few more small files. It even worked with a 41MB load. When I tried a 120MB load, it choked (actually, it completed instantly).

I checked the log file on /drive0/log and there was no change from the time it was created and only had 32 Bytes. When I tried to stop the player, it said that it couldn't find a shell and just continued to complete an exit. I was however, able to ftp into the player and the log file was unchanged.

After I powered down the player, and rebooted, it returned a shell prompt when I exited. I checked the log file and it was unchanged (byte count, date & time). The player operated normally (played the tunes I loaded except the 3 songs that made up the 120MB files).

What am I doing wrong?

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.