Originally Posted By: sein
I have seen many lamps of this type and don't really recommend them as I have always found such AC 12V LED lamps to be unreliable. Do you have a battery on the boat? DC 12V LED Strip is reliable, bright, neat and good value.

I happened to wander into a Lowes today and saw a lot of name-brand LED lamps like Sylvania selling in the $30-$40 range, so it looks like things are getting "mainstream" (if not good).

For me, *all* of the lighting on the boat with 1-2 exceptions will be 12V DC, so I hope it will be less fraught with uncertainty. I still need to figure out some of the color temperature stuff before spending $$$.

Right now my house bank is 2 6V 230Ah in series but hope to expand that to six of the 6V AGM batteries. Reading light smile

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.