Originally Posted By: msaeger
You will have to let us know if the math was right after you get it all installed.
The guy running the company is an Excel nerd, just like me. He had his own spreadsheet, approaching the data from a different direction. The key number is the Years to Amortization, we differ by about half a year. He says 5.22 years, I say 5.78 years. He does not factor in the capital gains loss on the investment, preferring to look at the electric bill savings as a return on investment, which is probably a more correct way of doing it. I dunno, I'm not an accountant, but looking at it his way the return is something like 15% annual. Anyway, if I set my capital gains loss to zero, my amortization time changes to 5.23 years against his 5.22, so I'd say we're on the same page there, less than .2% difference.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"