Well, mainly because we probably have to do these repairs sooner or later anyway, so I thought I might as well try to get some immediate value out of them beyond the value of having things not look awful or be dangerous to visitors.

The retaining wall is leaning at about a 20 degree angle, and getting worse each year (it was vertical when I bought the house just 4 years ago.)

The driveway is in bad cosmetic shape, which we could probably patch up and seal, but that's just putting a band-aid on it when it's got multiple cracks that will just crack again with winter ice and snow.

The walkway is flat-out dangerous right now, with sections of itteetering when you walk on it. I've tried using portland cement to stabilize them, but it lasts for 3 months and then the ground settles and they're wobbly again.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff