Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
Hyperinflation only means the destruction of the currency, though. So as long as you have real assets (non US-dollar denominated), you can survive it. But it's going to hurt bad.
I have thought long and hard on that. Unfortunately, my primary asset is my (and SWMBO's) retirement incomes, a quite livable amount but only as long as the US Dollar is worth anything. I am concerned about what will happen to those incomes when the dollar collapses, probably right on the heels of the collapse of the Euro.

My situation where I live now is (quite deliberately, I might add) optimized for survival in the very bad times that are coming: I own my house free and clear, my cost of living is a small fraction of what it would be in the U.S., I have no debts, not a lot of cash on hand, in an agricultural community that might be safe when the food riots start.

I am afraid that there are some very interesting times ahead.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"