Originally Posted By: Cris
Originally Posted By: mlord

Piss off, Chris. Please do not attribute things to me which I did not actually say or post.

Sorry, how dare I doubt The Lord...

Originally Posted By: mlord
Pity the "full size" iPhone image is out of focus, though

If you are going to insult me, at least have the decency to spell my name right.

Sorry, Cris. I think you're the only guy I've met who's name doesn't have the "h" in it -- I don't mean to misspell it on purpose.

But please don't misquote me or continue to resort to name-calling. Simply constructing a logical representation of your side of the debate is sufficient.

"Misquote" in that I've never said you don't know how to focus a camera. I simply noted that the focus point in that particular image was not where I'd expected it (the eyes), but rather on the clothing near the bottom of the frame. That's probably the iPhone's fault, or maybe the camera shifted between focus point selection and release of the shutter. Dunno.
