Originally Posted By: Archeon

Cris, this post is not meant directly at you just because I've responded to your post. It's a general posting.

Not taken as such. I hear what you are saying.

I think for too long the BBS has been too tolerant in places, it's natural to have disagreements, I'm fine with it. I believe that left unchallenged the discussions lead to indifference of opinion and those who may disagree tend not to post as they feel they will be out cast by the group. So instead they out cast them selves by not posting and eventually never coming back.

This BBS is not the thriving interesting place it used to be. I feel strongly that this is due to the interesting people with interesting opinions getting fed up for the tolerance of a few people who seem, on some levels, just out to enrage people.

The one thing I can tell you for fact is, if any of these two discussions had been held face to face I would have not held out so long to call bullshit and use stronger terms. People who know me in person will know this to be true.

I don't really see what is wrong with what has been said, or the tone in which has been said. We are all big boys and should be able to take a bit of banter. If someone calls my work, which I feel passionately about, I will call them back and make no apology for it. I think that is fair ??? It's not all one way traffic.

I would agree that continued mud slinging does not serve the community well, but on points that people feel strongly about freedom should be given to express that view. I have not stooped to name calling as some would suggest, I have just called a spade a spade and said things as I saw them. I never got personal or made threats, so I can't really see the problem to be honest.



Edited by Cris (05/11/2011 10:02)