Originally Posted By: Dignan
Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
Yeah, I'm talking about 2-3 inches of sag, and more when I'm in the bed.

Yikes! That IS pretty bad. I wonder if part of that is because of the wood slats? I remember having those for my bed when I was a kid, and they didn't seem to provide good support...

It's not the slats. They're nearly 1 inch thick tropical hardwood. I can stand on them easily with little or no flex. The problem is that the mattress is just piece of yellow foam. However, I had the same problem with my last two mattresses in the US, which were inner spring mattresses with a box spring and metal frame. They were probably sagging at least 1.5 in" on my side and 3/4" on my wife's side with a hump in the middle. Then after flipping them, they sagged on both sides.
~ John