It's funny how nuts you guys get with mattresses. I get it... it's an important life decision for some, especially when you have to take another person's comfort into account.

I'll just toss in my recommendation. The primary reason I bought this Sleep Innovations mattress was the price. After sleeping on it for over a year now, I have to say I'm thoroughly pleased.

I didn't put a lot of thought into the purchase. I just needed a new mattress because my previous traditional $300 mattress was showing its age. I also wanted to try-out memory foam.

I've never once been overly hot on this mattress. Generally, I prefer to be chilly than warm. Even in the summer, I have never been hot on this thing. However, I do run the a/c constantly.

It's relatively cheap and it's available with Prime shipping. I'm sure Amazon won't mind if you take it for a 30-day test drive. Just be aware that once you pierce the vacuum sealed plastic it's shipped in, it will never fit back in the original box again.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736