Originally Posted By: K447
You are OK with Google knowing how you live, what your life patterns are inside your own home?

I'm not really okay with that either. But I'm not paranoid about it. I appreciate the benefits Nest has brought me in the past. Assuming those continue, I simply see the Google buyout as one enabling Nest to continue on.

Google's ad business and push into G+ bothers me more, simply because I've detached most of the other Google hooks into my life. They've been minimal anyhow, as I never really trusted them with my e-mail, documents or much else.

My two times of trying to adopt Android creeped me out too much to ever want to go back. Mostly because their engineering focus has them blind to the privacy issues at times, not out of malice to spy on everything I do. (well, outside spying to provide me "relevant ads").

Which reminds me. If my future Nest ever pops up an ad for an air conditioner on it's screen, that would also be a breaking point.