Originally Posted By: K447
Originally Posted By: Dignan
What I'd love to see is for Google to make a new, unencumbered standard that anyone can use (like Android).

It can be quite difficult to create a well rounded and substantive standard that is not reliant on a specific funding model. Would Google have interest in a standard which did not allow Google to peer into the data?

When has Google made or used an unencumbered standard, and stuck to it without restrictions? Based on Google's past behavior, I'd answer no to K447's question.

Google's track record is not a good one in this regard. So even dismissing the privacy concerns, how does Google regain the trust on the standards side to be able to push forward with a home automation one? Why would the community trust Google when the next version of the standard could just pull something critical from the open side, screwing over say Hue (similar to how Google continues to pull stuff from the ASOP side and bring it into the Google Licensed side of Android).