So, I just got a new motorbike (Honda Africa Twin) and for the first time I am using entirely digital instrumentation in my daily commute to work.

When it comes to speedometer, looking at pure numbers (90Km/h, for example) is just fine with me. Actually, I find it better than a gauge, as unexpected as it is.

As to revs, the bike comes with a bar graph, and I never know what revs actually are: I only know visually how far I am from the red zone, which is most likely what the instrument was designed to show at a glance. But, whether that is 7,000 rpm or 10,000 rpm, it took me a two weeks driving it before being able to read it with a glance; and actually, I do not READ the value on the graph. I just learned that a that point of the scale I should be around 8,000, for example. I am not particularly happy with the bar graph. It does work, but leaves me a bit lost.

So, I find it all is working the OPPOSITE of what I expected (and what seems to be the general consensus), with me. Weird.


and here:

and here:

Edited by Taym (14/05/2016 22:57)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg