Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
pushed our bill to $3500 pesos ($195).
Is that for one month, or is that the bi-monthly bill?

That's for two months, but we were living on the edge of DAC for several months and then in December with all the Christmas lights and tree, etc.. we went over and wow! the bill more than doubled for just a few more kwh than before.

Originally Posted By: Tim
How effective was the pump only running 3 hours a day? When I had my pool resurfaced a few years ago, they recommended an hour for every 10 degrees of water temperature.

I know next to nothing about maintaining pools, but it seemed to work great. We only had trouble twice in the year when the chemical balance got off a bit and it got a bit green until the pool guy came and fixed the chemical balance.
~ John