OK, some notes on how my install went.

Although I hadn't had any problems with my original 6GB drive (IBM DARA 206) I noticed that there had been a fair bit of pressure on the spindle - it had left a really deep impression in the insulating tape, as had a couple of screws on the HDD. Therefore I decided to mount the 6GB drive on washers as well (my new drive is an IBM DJSA 220, and it is recommended to mount this unit on washers because excess pressure on the drive spindle has caused problems in one or two cases).

Otherwise the hardware side of things went pretty smoothly.

On the software side I have a small ammendment/correction for Tonys FAQ instructions. I wanted to copy my music from the old drive to the new one. Because I had installed the player software on the new drive the directories already existed and the command:
cp -v /drive1/fids /drive0/fids (Enter)
didn't want to work. I used
cp -v /drive1/fids/* /drive0/fids (Enter)
instead. OK it is only a really small thing, but maybe you want to update the FAQ. Nice instructions by the way!

I think that's all for now - will post again if I find anything else half way interesting

(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [for sale]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 26GB blue)
(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [sold]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 20GB blue)