I like Tony's idea as you don't have to mount the empeg drives RW first.
[normally the disks are mounted Read Only so that there are no delays for fsck's during the startup process on the empeg and to prevent data corruption/loss when the power is lost when the unit is pulled from your car].

The only problem I have with Flash is that its a finute lifetime component - if we update the flash heaps it will 'wear out' sooner, yes I know that the flash ram chips are rated for X cycles on average but the less wear and tear on flash the better.

However, by using flash its real simple to upload - if you have access to upload.exe and know the address to upload things to.

I was wondering if Mark (Lord) could create a virtual device in /dev (like /dev/kernel_flash works now) that his kernel ftp server re-routes to the correct address/block in the flash area that we have determined is 'free' to use for this purpose - thus encapsulating the implementation of this functionality totally inside the hijack kernel.
[as its the same kernel that will display the info also].
Any CR/LF or LF only seperated file should be able to be displayed, maybe we can impose some structure [like a minature tree of 'sub-options' so you can have the directions to the Mother In Laws, the shopping list and whatever other checklists you need access to in your empeg, so you can select which list you need to view and then view it as 'text'.