any others for how to store these documents to be viewed?

Yeah, you can just transfer the file over to the Empeg while it's at home onto any available partition. The user app would just have to know where to look for the file.

To allow writing to the disks while in the car, we'd actually need some kind of a storage API which can do raw sector-level writes to an unmounted volume and handle error-checking in case the power fails during a write. This has been talked about before. I currently lack the knowledge to make something like that happen. My hope was that someone with more knowledge about that stuff would appear on the forums and start writing such an API, or that it might get worked in to a future Hijack kernel release. Neither has happened so far.

Incidentally I already have about 95% of the code that would be required to display an arbitrary text file on the Empeg's screen and scroll through it. That's really what my Trivia game is doing, you know.. So if someone *really* wanted this kind of functionality I could probably work something out. Then the user would just have to come up with a creative way of getting those text files to the Empeg.

Edited by yn0t_ (14/01/2002 12:37)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff