you're confusing me ( . . ) Will AC create gapless MP3's or not?

Truth is, I donot know!
I do know that AC can automatically delete leading and trailing silence. This is confirmed when I run MP3Trim on such a file: it doesn't find any empty blocks at the start or end. Thus from that I conclude that AC can create files without leading/trailing blocks that are totally empty. However, I donot know what AC does when it cannot completely fill a final block of an MP3. I assume that it padds it with silence, but cannot check this. If it does, it cannot create gapless MP3's.

I can't verify this. I've removed the final block of the first MP3 of a duo that's supposed to be gapless, but they still show a gap when played on Emma. I can't tell if it was any shorter. Initially I blamed AC for this, but we now know that empeg (also??) inserts silence

In essence 2 questions remain on AC behaviour relating to partially filled blocks:
1) Does AC padd partially filled, final blocks with empty space
2) Does AC always start the first block with data

On Empeg adding silence between tracks:
Hugo acknowledged this, and we moved on to the topic of how difficult it was to create gapless MP3's

I sincerely hope that the empeg folks are looking into this and
1) will find a way to make Empeg truthfully reproduce MP3's / prevent it from inventing a pause that isn't there.
2) will skip any leading empty space in the first block of an MP3 (any intended silence wil be longer than .028seconds; thus there will be quite a few of blocks with only silence -- no one will miss .028 secs)
3) find a way to skip trailing empty space of a partially filled final block (this may be very difficult, unless there is a total block count, somewhere)

# 00120
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6