Jim, are we looking at the same pictures? The same car? There's something about the GT40 that speaks utility to you (other than going pretty fast)?

Yes, by utility I mean "built to stay low and go very fast" and I'm just trying to admit that it might not drip the same sex appeal of an Aston, an E-type or some Ferraris or others. Hell, you might even park a GT40 outside of a Borders and not attract any women! That being said, *I* think it is very sexy and I'd be the first to place my order once I knock over a large bank.

Anyhow, I actually like the earliest, simple, Camaros ('67-'68), but to compare the GT40 to a Camaro or a (gag!) Firebird just isn't nice. In what way does it resemble a gawd-awful Firebird?

I think the BBS needs a new forum (with padded ropes) called "Pizza-Beer-Cars"!


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.