In my overall experience, Windows NT has always had better memory management than 95/98. (Keep in mind that Windows 2000 is just a fancy name for Windows NT 5.0.) Everything is more stable under NT. Errant applications don't bring down the whole system like they do in 95/98. An example: I use NT as my main workstation at work, and I do lots of different things in many windows simultaneously. When one application crashes, I simply shut it down and continue working in the other windows. And the work is mission-critical stuff, too: compiling final software builds, moving huge files around our network, managing network user accounts, etc. I never worry about it, and I've never had a problem where one app has corrupted another app's data or files.

out of curiosity, are you running W2000 rc2 or W2000 final? I've had more crashes then I care to remember since upgrading to the final version of w2000; w2000 rc2 was SOO much more stable for me which is wierd, as nothing else has changed... The only thing I can attribute it to is directx7 support which was broken in the beta, but supposedly complete (hence breaking my machine) in the full release... (during many crashes, ctrl-alt-delete simply refuses to bring up the task manager...)

...proud to have one of the first Mark I units
_________________________ - clublife, revisited.