The first things that come to mind are that there's too much whitespace at the top (the black plus the image at the left), that background image looks like it's supposed to be representative, but more thought would seem to imply that it's abstract (this may be related to the first thing, as it looks like there's a title missing and my mind might be trying to fill that in by trying to interpret the picture), and the text is just all wrong -- there needs to be some sort of difference between the whitespace between the story and the link and the whitespace between the link and the next story. Some indentation might be the trick.

Edit: Also, if that's text at the lower left, then it's totally illegible. Is it supposed to be a disclaimer or something?

And the section titles as text looks a little odd. I'd suggest making them images, like the ones you have as prompts before clicking. In fact, you might want to get rid of those and just use that area as the section title.

Otherwise, it's very pretty.

Edited by wfaulk (08/03/2002 02:37)
Bitt Faulk