I agree with what other people have been saying. That space at the top is a bit much. I'm always impressed with people who are able to successfully combine graphics with page layouts, and I think you did a good job there. However, the blank space ("whitespace" is also what I would call it) is too much. every link I clicked on, when the page refreshed, I instantly looked at the new page too high up, and that got frustrating.

I think a logo isn't what's needed. A logo wouldn't fill up enough space. I think perhaps the title of your page is too small relative to the section titles. Words like "SceneNews" are huge compared to "THE.NEW'MUSIC.HQ". Perhaps eliminating some space at the top and making that slightly bigger would be better.

I also agree on using stylesheets or just style tags. Have you used CSS before? You wouldn't believe how great it is. I agree that the main font doesn't really go with the rest.

And lastly, I agree that there should be an indentation of the paragraphs under the dates. Again, you can do this with CSS and class tags in more ways than you would believe.

Lastly, I must ask because I am curious. Do you write your Java, or get it somewhere? If you get it somewhere, what kind of places do you use?

Oh, and I'd also be interested in knowing how much they usually give you for such a job.