Well, all the points that I would make have been made. Yes negative space is important, but the empty space at the top of the page is too much.

Also, the body text does need to be pushed away fromt he left side a bit, 5 pixels should do the trick there.

However, I do want to complement you on the coding of the pages...they work perfectly in both IE and Mozilla.

P.S. If anyone else out there is like me and always looking for another way to do image rollovers, check this out. If you're not concerned with pre-loading the images (sometimes not a good idea if you already have a heavy page...delays page load). I adapted this from the functions that are being used on the site we are all commenting on. This is way simple to maintain and to use.


// Image Rollover Functions
var RolloverArray = new Array;
RolloverArray['Img1_over'] = "overImg.gif";
RolloverArray['Img2_norm'] = "normImg.gif";

function changeImages(img,state) {
if (document.images) {
var Swap = eval ("document." + img);
Swap.src = RolloverArray[img + '_' + state];


<img src="normImg.gif" alt="SomeText" name="Img1" border="0" onmouseover="changeImages('Img1','over')" onmouseout="changeImages('Img1','norm')">

We need a bigger boat.