Well as you would note the disclaimer says
"Creators of web content probably have copyright"
"possibly linking"

It is in eBay's best interests to warn in the brodest possible sense as to avoid having liability themselves.

Of course IANAL and I don't have a problem with you compaining to eBay.

I was just a bit taken by it. I thought that under a community group like this; were people take parts of what others do, polish it a little, possibly throw a clock in it, and pass it on; that copying stuff would be the norm not the exception.

I used the riocar images of a remote and fashia in Lojack, should they be removed?

Is RioCar's poliy/opinion or copyright and redistribution covered in the FAQ?


P.S. I am not trying to be a bastard or anything I am just curious as to were the lines are drawn.